Our vision:

We love our kids and it is a wonderful truth that God loves them even more! Christ Church Cascades is blessed with lots of children. We want to see them thrive as they learn all about the God who made them, the Saviour who forgives them, and the Spirit who empowers them to live a long life of God honouring obedience. This is why we take every opportunity to come alongside our parents and, during our Sunday services, we offer a range of children’s church classes where we teach and apply the Bible in an age appropriate way:


Splashes is our kids’ group from about 18 months to 4 years old. The Splashes kids are dropped off by carers or parents with us from 3.30pm for fun, hands-on playtime before we start our lesson inside.

Our aim is to create the first building blocks of a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children.  We sing, dance and teach the Bible to the kids, using material from Mustard Seeds called Bible Tots. To categorise our Bible Tots lessons, we have borrowed foundational truths that The Village Church also uses with this age group: God made everything, God is in charge of everything, God is good, God wants to talk with us, and Jesus came to save sinners.
Each Sunday there is a teacher and an assistant to help the kids with the activites. The Splashes kids’ church time follows a regular format: free play, inside for songs and our true Bible story lesson, outside for a snack, craft based on the lesson, games based on the lesson followed by free play or more games and singing until the children are picked up by their carer or parent.

Grade RR-7:

The Grade RR-4 groups do the same lesson, where the emphasis for the younger group is more on remembering the text and a condensed application. Grade 3-4 discuss the same passage in more detail, as well as the impact thereof on their lives. In the first term, these groups have looked at the Journey to the Promised Land – following Israel’s journey from Mt Sinai to Canaan. They saw how God dealt with His people, and learnt what it means for us when we are His people. Following on from there, they did a 5 week series on The Parables of the Kingdom , looking at 5 parables from the Gospel of Matthew. Here Jesus describes what the Kingdom of God is like, and we were encouraged by how precious and how life altering it is when we become part of it.
The Gr5-7 group is following a different lesson stream. Here the emphasis is more on learning to read the Bible and to be taught some Bible handling skills. It’s more of a Bible study, interactive format, than a purely didactic lesson. The children are free to ask questions and discuss the impact of what the Bible teaches, and how to apply it in their current situations.The teachers are keen to encourage and grow these ‘almost teens” in their Christian walk. 


The Grade RR-4 age group also gather on the first Friday of every month, to have an Epic, fun get-together and build Christian friendships around a meal and some games. We’re hoping this will become a more regular gathering but for now it is an absolute highlight for our senior primary kids. For more info on Epic you can contact Adrian Murray.

Got questions:

If you have any questions or want to know anything else regarding our children’s church you can contact Sheena Warren who heads up this vital ministry. Teaching children is always a privilege. Being able to teach them life saving, life altering truths is priceless. Watching our children grow in their knowledge of the truth is priceless and why children’s church is such a priority at CCC.