Christians tend to have a love-hate relationship with money. We need money to live; we enjoy what money enables us to do; we often recognise that money is God’s gift to us, and yet we have trouble making sense of how to best use our money. We struggle with the pull of materialism and greed; sometimes we wish we just had a little more money in the bank. As a result, we often feel awkward when the subject of money comes up at church.

Most of us have some idea that Christians are meant to be generous and give money away. But why? And to whom? And the big question that’s often in our minds: how much?

Here at Christ Church Cascades we believe that Jesus is Lord, which means he is the ruler of our lives and we want to submit everything to him… which includes our money and possessions.

Almost half of Jesus’ parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions. The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money and possessions. God clearly has a great deal to say about money! Below we will try to offer some guidance for how we should think about money and will speak to some of questions we might have regarding money. As with every topic, the place to start is with God himself.

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As outlined above we do believe that God wants Christians to contribute towards gospel work in their local church and so ask regular members to do so via EFT. We will also have a giving box on our welcome table on a Sunday if you feel more inclined to give on a weekly basis. If you’d like more information on giving, please feel free to contact us.

” Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  2 Corinthians 9:7


EFT details:
Christ Church Cascades
Standard Bank
Account no: 371027977
Branch no: 040727
Reference: Giving