We’re excited that you are thinking through how to get connected to our church family. God gives us the church as a gift where we can love and serve one another to keep persevering in our Christian lives. Here are some next steps you can take:

Fill out a Connect Card. This helps us to personally welcome you to Christ Church Cascades and gives you an opportunity to ask questions. You can expect an email or a call from one of our team as well as an invite to a meal where you will be able to meet some of our church family. Don’t worry, we’re not going to spam you and all our contact information is stored and managed securely. Physical Connect Cards can be found on our welcome table at a Sunday service or online below. 

Join us for a Welcome tea. From time to time we host a welcome tea which takes place just after our Sunday service. We spend 15 minutes introducing you to the staff team as well as outlining some of our core beliefs and key ministries.

Find out more about Jesus. We run a four week course called ‘Discover Jesus’ exploring the life and claims of Jesus & what this means for us two thousand years later. Whether you are investigating Christianity or have been a Christian for many years it is a beneficial time discovering or reaffirming the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

Find out more about joining CCC. We run a four week course called ‘Get Connected’ unpacking the vision of CCC: ‘We are a redeemed family of servants on mission’. You will also learn what you can  expect from us as a church and what we will expect from you as a fellow member.

You can sign up for any of the above by filling in the Connect Card below: