Dear Church and guests
The global pandemic has caused chaos around the world but we are grateful that nothing catches Jesus by surprise and that he is firmly in control. The Bible teaches that Jesus is our Sustainer and, although we may not understand it fully yet, he is so powerful that he will use this terrible pandemic to grow his church as we rely on him for everything & reach out to a world searching for hope.
We are grateful to the Lord that even though we have sustained multiple waves of this devastating pandemic the severity of its effects have decreased over time. With the easing of regulations and restrictions we have opened up our services for all who wish to attend, there is no pre-booking of seats required. Please do remember to bring along and wear a mask inside the main hall. For those who may still be nervous to attend you can tune in to our live broadcast on our YouTube Channel, Sunday afternoon at 15h30.
Lockdown has been been hard on us all and many have been under massive financial strain. If you are needing assistance and are a member of CCC then please don’t hesitate to reach out for help. We have our Deacons’ Fund which aims to be a support to our church family in times of need. You can read more about the fund and apply by clicking here. One of our fund committee members will then be in contact with you.
In the brokenness and uncertainty in this life keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, continue loving the People God has given us, knowing that Eternity is our certain hope.
In Christ who is our peace and refuge in these difficult days
Mundy, Richard & the CCC elders